The ship displaces 3,750 tons, measures 446 feet in length, has a beam of 31.5 feet and a draught of 14 feet 9 ins. The armour plating around the ship is four inches at the top and thins to two inches at the keel. Her armaments consisted of two six-inch guns aft, one 3-inch anti-aircraft gun just forward of the six-inch gun, two four-inch guns and twin 21- inch torpedo tubes on both sides of the ship and four, four-inch guns around the bridge area. After commissioning she joined the 4th Light Cruiser Squadron as part of the Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow, where she spent most of the time carrying out sweeps of the north and western approaches for enemy submarines. In May 1916 she took part in the Battle of Jutland acting as lead sweep for battle cruisers moving to engage the German Fleet. She is the only surviving warship from the Battle of Jutland.