At some stage you may wonder who is writing these blogs so to get that out of the way let me introduce myself. My name is Art Ward, I live close to Carrick a Rede rope bridge near Ballintoy and have spent most of my life in this area which is where my maternal roots are. I work part-time and the rest is taken up engaged in creative pursuits like music, photography and artwork plus keeping a couple of web and social media sites updated.
I have just overhauled my main website and decided a blog would be a good addition, I am not sure where it will go or what shape it will take but hopefully it will compliment the website and create a reasonably live aspect to the site, offering more insight into locations and stories from a personal perspective as well as tips.
All this grew from an interest in knowing about the places I photographed, it has not only been a creative journey but an educational one too, having learnt a lot about my home area and the Causeway Coastal Route. The information first went online as in 1998 but as my journeys expanded beyond what I could call North Antrim I needed another domain name. In 2009, I acquired the the current domain name which covers the entire coast from Belfast to Derry and seemed ideal for my needs. It also happens to be an early signature tourism project which today is regarded as one of the 'must do' road trips in Ireland.
I am independent from statutory bodies and receive no help from them, this allows me the personal freedom to be honest and open as well as reveal what is not in the 'official' glossy tourism brochures, it also allows me to be more personal about places I visit and write about. The website is maintained, updated and all content researched, photographed and written by myself which as you can imagine is time consuming, all content is copyright to me apart from contributions from kind supporters which are credited where they appear.
The top image is Bregagh Road (Dark Hedges) before HBO came along.
I hope you enjoy future posts